Upgrade, Save & Surf Promotion!
ZODSAT (Pvt) Ltd (“Zodsat”) is running the Upgrade, Save & Surf Promotion (“the promotion”), where current subscribers can claim a monthly 20% discount for three months when they upgrade to the Home Basic Unlimited Package between 10 January 2022 and 3 March 2022.
All subscribers during the term of the promotion agree to be bound by the following Terms and Conditions:
- The Upgrade, Save & Surf promotion will start on the 10th of January 2022 (“start date”), and it will run until the 31st of March 2022 (“end date”).
- ZODSAT reserves the right to change or extend the promotional period based on reasonable prior notice.
- The Upgrade, Save & Surf promotion is available to all ZODSAT customers, during the promotional period.
- You can join the promotion at any time throughout the 3 month duration.
- The subscriber will be liable to claim a monthly 20% discount for a period of 3 months only.
- This offer only applies to a subscriber upgrading to the Home Basic Unlimited Package only.
- An upgrade in the context of the promotion does not include a downgrade from the following broadband packages; Premium100, Premium250 and Home Intense Unlimited packages, therefore, subscribers currently subscribed to the mentioned packages cannot partake in the promotion.
- The subscriber must ensure that subscriptions are paid in full before their renewal date.
- To participate in the Upgrade, Save & Surf promotion, you will need to communicate via one of the following channels:
- Email – sales@zodsat.com, customerservices@zodsat.com & accounts@zodsat.com
- WhatsApp (by messaging to +263 86 44 55 44 55)
- Text Message (by messaging to +2263 780 044 417)
Subscribers intending to upgrade must have complied with these Terms and Conditions and be active subscribers, with no accounts being in arrears.

Give us your number and we’ll call you back.

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